Hardware Solution

InGauge Online

฿ 6,500
InGauge USB is the ultimate technology to convert the signal from digital measuring instruments to the form of communication via SPC connector and convert the numerical signal to the computer system.

Version 2.1
Created by : Inspektion Co.,Ltd.

Select Package
package A
package B
package C

Package A

฿ 6,500
It comes with a built-in footswitch and an USB extension cable for industrial use.


FCC Certificate is the mark on electronic products which indicates that the electromagnetic radiation from the device is below the limits specified by the federal communications commission and the manufacturer has followed the requirements of the supplier is declaration of conformity authorization procedures.2


the CE Certificate is the manufacturer declaration that the product meets EU standards for health safety and environmental prote
The device is designed to be easy to use with a built-in push button. very well and durable materials with a case that comes with an aluminum case.