Service Solution

About Project : MVDeep system

The MVDeep system is designed to optimize the selection and positioning of light sources and lenses for various applications. It features advanced capabilities to ensure precise and efficient operations, integrates seamlessly with cloud systems, and enables remote service updates.

Scope of Work

  1. Determine the appropriate type of light source for specific tasks.

  2. Identify the suitable type of lens for specific tasks.

  3. Select the optimal position for cameras.

  4. Determine the optimal position for lenses.

  5. Choose the appropriate position for light sources.

  6. Set the correct brightness level of light sources.

  7. Calculate the statistical engineering accuracy (Process Capability Index).

  8. Connect report data to cloud systems.

  9. Enable service updates via VPN.

  10. Provide operational summaries within 1 day.

  11. Plan for future calibration standards compliance.

  12. Achieve a production capacity of 100 reports per 8 hours.

  13. Maintain a power consumption rate of approximately 2,000 Watts.

  14. Ensure safety with a magnetic sensor system.

Project Achievements

The MVDeep system has successfully streamlined the process of selecting and positioning light sources and lenses to ensure optimal performance for various applications. With integration to cloud systems for seamless data reporting and the capability of remote updates via VPN, the system enhances flexibility and maintainability. It provides operational summaries within one day, and its design considers future calibration standards compliance. The system boasts a high production capacity and efficient power consumption, coupled with robust safety features such as a magnetic sensor system, underscoring its effectiveness and reliability.

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