Service Solution

Tile Inspection System

The Double-Corrugated Tile Inspection System project utilizes Machine Vision technology to ensure the quality of double-corrugated tiles. This includes inspecting for cracks and color shades to guarantee that the products meet specified standards. The system features efficient reporting and connectivity capabilities.

Multi-Cylinder Camera for Cable Inspection

The Multi-Cylinder Camera for Cable Inspection project harnesses advanced Machine Vision technology to meticulously inspect suspension bridge cables for cracks. The system is equipped with video recording capabilities and sophisticated image processing to produce comprehensive inspection reports and facilitate detailed analysis through video playback.

Automated Sticker Management System By OCR

This project focuses on developing an automated sticker management system leveraging OCR (Optical Character Recognition) technology and Excel data management. The system will streamline sticker management from reading values from Excel files, comparing data to identify close matches with OCR results, displaying and printing stickers, to logging OCR results and images.

Automated Rubber Model Counting System

This project focuses on developing an automated rubber model counting system utilizing Machine Vision technology to enhance efficiency and accuracy on the production line. The system supports rubber model data management and real-time reporting through a dashboard.

Automated Console Lock Pin Inspection System

This project focuses on developing an automated console lock pin inspection system utilizing Machine Vision technology to enhance efficiency and accuracy in inspection. The system supports console model data management and real-time reporting through a dashboard.

Intelligent Slag Detection System

Slag detection system capable of accurately detecting slag at temperatures up to 1600°C. The system provides real-time alerts and video recordings for analysis and process improvement.