Service Solution

Penetration Testing

Pentest is a comprehensive cybersecurity service designed to fortify your industrial infrastructure. We utilize advanced penetration testing techniques to identify vulnerabilities in your systems, proactively preparing you to mitigate potential cyber threats.

Active Directory service for personal computers within the bank

This project aims to maintain the Active Directory service for personal computers within the bank, ensuring continuous system availability and optimal performance.

Centralize Manufacturing data by installing a web-based on VM Ware

This project aims to centralize Manufacturing data by installing a web-based on VM Ware. It will also integrate access to the Key Performance Indicator (KPI) system

Database Security Enhancement System on Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

This project aims to enhance the security of a database that consolidates manufacturing, sales, maintenance, and loss data. The data is stored on the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and managed through a web application.

Enhance On-Premise Web Application Security

This project aims to develop a web application, focusing on domain name implementation, SSL/TLS configuration for security, and network setup.